You’d like to start training regularly, but you don’t have a partner. Or time. Or money. Or you have some other excuse. We’ve heard them all before! (We’ve even used some of them.) So we’ll find you partners, no problem. You just need to make the time. And, let’s be honest, training will cost you less than an evening at your favourite bar, plus it’s much better for your body and mind.
We organize three types of group training, where you’ll receive all the motivation and encouragement you need. Our individual approach within the group also ensures that you get the training you need.
A series of twelve sessions in which we’ll guide you through the basics of sport climbing. We’ve developed our own methodology that systematically teaches you the correct climbing movements and safe catching habits so your partner feels comfortable falling. Come with a friend, or we’ll find you your new belay bestie.
Lead climbing
Eight training sessions focused on lead climbing. Simply sign up and we’ll send you a simple questionnaire to get to know you: how you currently climb, how you’d like to climb, how much time you’d like to dedicate to climbing, the usual. In the introductory class, we’ll cover the principles of sport climbing, then we’ll look at how you climb, and we’ll take it from there – setting your goals and how we’ll achieve them together.
Eight boulder workouts that follow a similar structure to our lead climbing sessions. Your arms just won’t get as pumped. But we promise we’ll torment your muscles in a slightly different way. We’ll focus intensively on coordination, technical and strength bouldering. And, most importantly, we’ll teach you to rest during training, so every attempt is worth it. Just leave your harness and rope at home.
Girls only
Ladies, this one’s just for you. Climbing training, where the boys won’t bug you. (Because we’ve all been there before, right?) Just join a rope or bouldering group, whichever you prefer, with seven girls – six climbers, one coach. There are eight training sessions waiting for you.